Jerry Johnston
Folk Worth
Friends in High Places
Without the hard work, dedication, support and inspiration of many friends, associates and musicians the
Hearts on Fire CD could not have been made.

Melinda Johnston
It is only with the support and encouragement of my wife and soul mate, Melinda that the Hearts on Fire CD was made. Not only has Melinda been supportive, she is, of course, my greatest muse and my inspiration.

Bart Rose, Tanner Landry and Fort Worth Sound
I approached Bart Rose, owner of Fort Worth Sound, with an album project. He said he was not the right guy, but suggested I work with Tanner Landry. And it was the best decision he could have made. Tanner became co-producer and engineer on the CD. It was right in his wheel house and without his expertise and imagination the project might well have taken a completely different direction. Sometimes saying no, is just a better way of saying yes! Thank you Bart.

Gerald Wyatt Ray
A few years ago I attended the Southwest Regional Folk Alliance Conference in Austin, Texas. During a showcase, a seasoned guitarist and singer/songwriter mentioned in his set that, "I've been playing guitar for 40 years and I just started taking lessons. If you've ever thought of taking it!" And I did. I contacted Gerald, who I knew to be a great acoustic lead guitarist, and asked if he was giving lessons. He was, and it changed everything. I owe him a great debt.

Fort Worth, Texas
A Great Big thank you to Cowtown, the inspiration for many of my songs and the home of some of Texas' finest musicians. As a native, I have spent many years watching the "Queen of the Prairie" grow and prosper and I am happy to claim Fort Worth, Texas as my home.